I offer professional sewing services from designing and custom sewing to personalized alterations and repairs. For personal creativity, your ideas, pictures or patterns can be used to produce the exact garment you desire. If you can't find what you're looking for at the shopping mall or in a catalogue, give me a call! Great service, excellent quality, and 'the impossible' just takes a little longer!

email :asmartdressmaker@hotmail.com

Telephone: 705-305-1133

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Sunday, March 21, 2010


Parts are parts ... and pounds are pounds ... here are a few suggestions on how to look 10 pounds thinner today!
MONOCHROMATIC DRESSING - choose one colour from head to toe, it will make you look thinner and taller instantly! The vertical flow of one colour will elongate the body giving you a taller appearance.
HIGHER HEELS - with the wedge heel this spring, it's more comfortable to wear a shoe with a slightly higher heel and not suffer with sore feet!
TOSS OUT TIGHT - if you wear clothes that are a 'teeny bit tight' or too small, you immediately gain ten pounds! Spring is a great time to go through your wardrobe and clean out the clutter of what doesn't fit, what is out of date, and needs repairs.
TO BELT OR NOT TO BELT - never wear belts too tightly, it will result in a pudgy look. Narrow belts work best for most silhouettes, with the exception of tall, thin gals who are able to wear the wide ones.
SKIRTS WITHOUT FLARE - straight skirts should be tapered two inches at the hem to look 10 pounds thinner! Waistlines that are 'fitted' and not gathered are always a slimmer choice.

Take the time to SPRING CLEAN YOUR WARDROBE! Decide what to keep, what to toss and what to have altered!!
If you need help or would like suggestions for your personal fashion style, don't hesitate to send an email outlining your situation!

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